This is me when I first arrived
I'm Simon. I "officially" joined the family on September 22, 2001. I had been hanging around the house and yard for a few weeks. I knew if I was patient and waited long enough, some one would take me in.
Here I am today.
When Mom & Dad first saw me, they thought I was a baby. They didn't realize that I'm just a little guy. I must have been the runt or something, cause I'm still pretty small.
One night I was outside the bedroom window, crying cause I was cold and hungry. Mom came outside and tried to pet me. I was scared of her at first and ran away. I had been a stray ever since I could remember, and most people didn't treat me very nicely.
Mom had started feeding me a few days after she first found me. She stared by putting food under a bush, then moved it closer and closer to the house. Soon I was eating on the back deck. I saw some other cats sitting in the window. I liked to sit and talk to them. They told me their names were Harley and Barkley, and that they never went outside. I was really surprised! I mean, I had lived my whole life outside. I didn't know that some cats were lucky enough to have a home like these guys!
One day, Dad put this cage thing on the deck. He took the door off, put something soft inside, and covered the sides to keep the wind and rain out. I went inside.... It was like my very own house!!
Once Dad made the house for me, I never left the deck (unless I had to go to the bathroom). Mom would bring food out o me every day. They left clean water for me too, so why leave??
Then, one afternoon, Dad opened the door to go inside. I thought "Now's my chance!!" I ran inside with him. I hid behind the sofa and wouldn't come out till Harley told me it was OK.
Mom and Dad took me to another strange place. I was so scared when I got inside, I tried to run away. I jumped out of Mom's arms and tried to get outside - but I only hit my head on the door! I turned and ran down a long hall, then tried to hide in a room. Someone closed the door, talked really nice to me and picked me up. She gave me back to Mom. I thought "This is it. I really messed up, and Mom isn't gonna want me now."
Mom took me, sat down and talked to me. She was petting and scratching me. Then we went into a room with another lady. She looked me all over, weighed me, and even looked at my teeth. She stuck me with a needle - I didn't like that!! She left the room for a little while. When she came back, she told Mom that the blood tests were all negative. That made Mom really happy. The lady (I found out later she was my new vet) gave me another needle, and a pill for worms. Mom took me back out to the car. She told Dad everything was fine, I had my shots and the vet said I wasn't a baby... I was one and a half years old!! Even though I wan't a baby, Mom & Dad still wanted me.
Here we are, 2 years later, and I'm still here. Mom and Dad say I've turned into a really good guy. They say I'm really affectionate too. I'm happy - and lucky - they gave an older cat a chance. Lots of people want kittens, and forget about an older cat. They think we adult cats can't adjust to new surroundings as well as a younger cat. Let me tell you - as long as you give us lots of love and have pateince, we older cats WILL adjust. Just give us a chance!
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